Exclusive for B2B Businesses: 
explode Your Revenue, 
with Less Time and Effort
As a B2B Business, you know your market – there is a limited number of people who can buy your solution at any one time.

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to identify those “needles in a haystack” so you can save time, money and GROW your business?
Out of your target market...only THREE PERCENT are actively seeking a purchase of what you sell at any given time. How can you filter through and focus on only those who are ready to buy? 
  • ​What if you could know who IS going to buy now (maybe even before they know they're going to buy!) 
  • ​What if you had the ability to see who is searching for a solution like you have to offer and stay ahead of the competition?
  • ​Out of the people who are taking steps toward a purchase, what if you could know which leads are more valuable?
  • ​What if you could know exactly what behaviors people take BEFORE they buy?
--> Forrester research says 68% of the sales process in B2B sales take place BEFORE a prospect reaches out to a Seller of the exact product or solution they need.
So, what’s happening in the interim? They’re taking actions – usually online – that indicate they’re getting ready to buy.
Up until now, you didn’t know who was ready to buy RIGHT NOW. 
Nor did you have access to a full behavioral profile of people who are ready to buy your company’s product/service.

That's about to change.
Imagine getting in front of a prospect EARLIER in the buying cycle – – giving you the opportunity to FRAME the PROBLEM, prove yourself as the EXPERT, and grow the CREDIBILITY and TRUST factor way before your competition?
And ultimately get the sale!
Up until now…your salespeople are…
  • Going after "possible' leads without having a clue if they're really interested in buying this quarter - or even this year! 
  • Spending time and resources going after leads without knowing which possible product or service they're most interested in 
  • Not sure the exact behaviors a prospect takes on their way to a purchase from you 
Salespeople’s NUMBER ONE COMPLAINT is lack of QUALIFIED leads
  • Only spending time on qualified prospects could be the difference between your sales team CRUSHING their QUOTA or... Missing it by a Mile
  • When it's your LIVELIHOOD to bring in revenue, prioritization of tasks and opportunities is critical 
Sales is, like many things, a numbers game.
  • The more QUALIFIED prospects you 'smartly' connect with, the more sales you're likely to make.  Simple, but true. 
  • Your BUSINESS success hinges on the efficiency of your team.  If your sales team is wasting time and effort on leads that don't turn into sales, you're leaving money on the table 
  • There is no bigger time waster than spending an hour on the phone with a prospective client only to find out they are simply not a good fit.  Not to mention, it's demoralizing! 
How can you be sure the prospect:
  • Has a need for your product or service
  • The time is right for them to purchase 
  • You talk to someone with decision making power 
  • ​You talk to the MOST valuable leads FIRST 
What would it mean to you and your company’s success if you not only had QUALIFIED leads, but had these leads BEFORE any of your competitors?
Instead of Struggling to Keep Market Share – what if you could increase your market share WITH LESS EFFORT? Making it easier to increase your bottom line year after year.

Even more important, what if we could give you a map of the behaviors your clients take prior to buying from you – and from your competitors?
This kind of insight isn’t currently available ANYWHERE else...
Who this is for:
If you are a B2B Company with a complex sales process who...
  • Want to Save Time 
  • Want to Save Money 
  • Want to Talk to People Already Looking for YOU! 
imagine… 200% Efficiency and Effectiveness for your Sales Team leading to…
An astounding increase in Revenue over the next 6-12 months!
And, Imagine this...
  • Get More Sales: At Less Cost
  • Make Your Entire Sales Team More Effective 
  • Faster Sales Cycle 
  • ​More Profit - At Every Level
  • ​Learn More About YOUR Target Market
  • ​Blow the Competition Away by Knowing Who's Ready to BUY!
Interested in learning more about This 
unique and proprietary data mapping and identity resolution technology, coupled with machine learning that gives YOUR company a leading edge?
IMPORTANT: We are reaching out to a limited number of B2B companies and pre-qualifying them all before making any offer of services. 
EACH INDUSTRY will soon have an industry leader in their space that is using this technology to beat the competition and dominate their market sphere. Don’t wait and miss out!

Our company is a team of data geeks that have been using the variety of data collection and analytic tools in the sales and marketing space over the last 20+ years. We have been watching the evolution of AI and how it now influences the B2B marketing space.

We have now joined forces with a team that has been building this unique combination of technologies for over EIGHT YEARS. Building a technology like this over the course of 8 years is like decades in the ‘non-machine learning’ world.

We’re excited to bring it to our clients, since we’ve seen – first-hand – the difference using AI technology can make for our clients versus those who don’t use the powerful data and resources now at their fingertips.

as seen in...
Don't miss Your chance to EXPLODE Your company's Revenue, with Less Time and Effort -- so you can blow your competition away!
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